Wednesday, September 1, 2010

T-minus 1 week

I'm not sure if any folks will actually read this, but I thought it would be a good place to write about my trip.
This is all happening because of one reason: I was let go from my research technician job at Brigham and Women's Hospital after 8 years of working there. The funding that had sustained the lab in previous years was lost this year, and cuts had to be made. I was given 6 weeks notice, and in the planning of what to do next, I found out that JetBlue would be reprising its All You Can Jet (AYCJ) pass from last September. I remember reading about it, and the blogs of several folks who were doing it, like myself now, recently unemployed and able to travel. So I decided to use a month of my separation  pay to do the AYCJ this year!
The plan is to spend the month of September (and till October 10th) traveling around the country on the AYCJ pass to look at potential School of Public Health grad schools to apply to for next Fall, and then just see a lot of the country, picking cities that I've never been to from the list of places JetBlue flies to.
Now, I've been flying JetBlue a lot, especially their Boston to Florida routes as my family has been in Orlando and Tampa. It became sort of a tradition to pick seat 22F on their Airbus 320's, since I prefer window seats, the right hand (starboard!) side of the plane, and in back away from the wing to get a good view. I'm a dork, I know. And in planning my AYCJ flights, for almost all my flights except for two that were close to being sold out, I have picked seat 22F! So my blog about my travels this month is appropriately named: Seat22F.
It's gonna be quite a trip!


  1. I'm reading! I want to envy every step of the way. :)

    Also, we totally need to hang out before you go. What are you doing this weekend? Want to go get coffee or something somewhere?

  2. Awesome! Looking forward to updates.

    P.S. I read the blog name fast and thought it meant you were travelling from Seattle to Florida... but I understand it now.
